Save The World… By Searching the Internet??

While I was browsing through local non-profits in my community, I stumbled upon an international adoption agency called Hope’s Promise.   This licensed child-placement agency was established in 1990 by Paula Freeman, after she and her husband adopted their daughter, Hope (About Us). The many experienced and qualified staff members at Hope’s Promise help facilitate both domestic and international adoptions. They have a deep understanding of the emotions involved with adoption, so they provide support and communication throughout the process. The agency works with Infant Domestic adoptions, international adoptions, as well as embryo adoption, which involves adoption of frozen embryos.

I have found that this agency has a very holistic approach to the process of adoption. By providing support for mothers giving up their children, support for adoptive families, and comprehensive information for both groups about the process, Hope’s Promise is ensuring ease of the process for all who are involved.

When I was reading about how I can volunteer with this company, they describe a search engine that directly funds their program. By using the search engine, Good Search, which is powered by, we are actually donating to companies like Hope’s Promise. It’s as simple as that; switch your search engine from Google to Good Search and start changing the world. Don’t you just love stuff like this!?

So here’s your Two Hands Tuesday mission- switch your searching. Change that search box in the upper right hand corner of your internet window from Google, Ask Jeeves, or whatever you are currently using, to Good Search and make a commitment to using this for your internet searching needs.